Welcome to JobRoute
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Please follow the following steps:
Fee Package
In our fee package, you will find the details about percentage we charge for our service. Please click on the button to access our fee package page. For any enquiry, do not hesitate to send us an email at [email protected]
Submit a Role
We need your vacant Role details to put into our Job Openings for Candidates to directly apply. You are required to complete our Job Description Form by clicking our “Submit a Role” button.
Once we have received a “Submit a Role” form from you, we need you to sign our agreement to start the process. We will email you or bring the agreement in person for sign. After completing the signed agreement, our team will immediately start the process.
You can find uploaded candidate’s resumes into your document page. Document page can be found in the navigation menu under account. Access your document page and assess the resumes for interview. You can access the document page by clicking on the button “Document”.
Resume Selection
Upon understanding your job description, we will screen the relative resume for suitable candidates. As soon as we find the suitable candidate for your job role, we will then upload resumes into your account in “document page” in our website, as well as, we will email you with the information. Please assess the resumes and complete the form “Resume Selection” for interview.
After receiving the “Resume Selection” Form from you, we will organize the interview in accordance with your choice. We arrange interview through different method, such as, zoom meeting, face-to-face meeting, phone meeting. If you prefer zoom meeting, you will be able to join the meeting through our web browser or your zoom app. However, you will receive all the information to your email.
Employment Acknowledgement
After completing the interview, we would like you to submit our “Employment Acknowledgement” Form.