... Terms of Business – JobRoute

Terms of Business


  1. Our services

         Our committed services include the followings:

    • Upon receiving the role description from our client, we immediately start the process in understanding the job descriptions and the requirement of the role in order to set up the right way of searching the right candidate.
    • we create personalized role advertisement and publish across a variety of web and print based search and find platforms to collect and collate the candidates information, such as candidate resume, in order to fill the role that include the followings:
      • our website and other recruitment related website, such as, LinkedIn etc.
      • other social media sites, such as, Facebook, Twitter etc.
      • industry-specific newspaper, magazines etc.
    • review candidate resume and information, including contact and personal details; qualifications and skills; employment history.
    • respond to candidate applications and queries from candidates.
    • identify the right candidates that meet specific requirements for the role and create a shortlist of candidates for screening.
    • the followings are included in the process of screening the shortlisted candidates:
      • interviewing candidates through various communication methods including ‘face-to-face interview’; ‘zoom meeting’; ‘phone conferencing’ etc.
      • conduct an eligibility check with the host (client) country “Immigration Services”.
      • communicating with the referees provided in candidate’s resumes.
      • conducting reasonable investigation and enquiries to verify whether or not the candidate has the legal eligibility in order to work in host (client) country.
    • sending suitable and the best candidates to our host client for consideration.
  1. Our responsibilities:
    • JobRoute is committed to provide the easy and fastest way of helping our host client (company) for sending us the required information.
    • We ensure that our communication methods are easy to use for our client that includes the completing the forms used within our website. We collect information via various forms within our website, email and other media.
    • Engage with continuous advertise and search for right candidate for the specific role.
    • Maintain continuous updating our host client.
    • We ensure that we have permission from candidate presenting them to our host client for consideration.
  1. Client responsibilities:

         As JobRoute is a responsible recruiter, we expect our client to be responsible for the followings:

    • Provide us:
      • a brief details of the role.
      • Indicative remuneration package
      • Requirement of the position.
      • A brief details of duties and responsibilities.
    • Notify us:
      • Candidate presented by us for an interview
      • Candidate employed in your organization who was presented by us.
    • Send us immediately, a copy of employment contract of a candidate who was presented by us.
    • Pay the invoice/s before due date in accordance with the agreement.
    • Update the performance by the employee.